
Journal papers

A critical analysis of turbulence dissipation in near-wall flows, based on stereo particle image velocimetry and direct numerical simulation data, W.K. George, M. Stanislas, J.M. Foucaut, C. Cuvier, J.P. Laval, Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol 950, A2, (2022)

Scalings of scale-by-scale turbulence energy in non-homogeneous turbulence, J.G. Chen, J.C. Vassilicos, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol 938, (2022)

Balanced non-stationary turbulence. K. Steiros, Physical Review E 105 (3), 035109 (2022)

A turbulence dissipation inhomogeneity scaling in the wake of two side-by-side square prisms, Chen J.G., Cuvier C., Foucaut J.-M., Ostovan Y. and Vassilicos J.C., Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol 924, (2021)

Non-equilibrium dissipation scaling in large Reynolds number turbulence generated by rectangular fractal grids, S. Zheng, P. Bruce, C Cuvier, J.-M. Foucaut, J.M.R. Graham, J.C. Vassilicos, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 054613, (2021)

Optimization of a SPIV experiment for derivative moments assessment in a turbulent boundary layer, J.- M. Foucaut, W.K. George, M. Stanislas, C. Cuvier, Experiments in Fluids, 62 (244), (2021)

Optimization of regularized B-spline smoothing for turbulent Lagrangian trajectories, A. Cheminet, Y. Ostovan, V. Valori, C. Cuvier, F. Daviaud, P. Debue, B. Dubrulle, J.-M. Foucaut, J.-P. Laval, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 127, 110376, (2021)

Three-dimensional analysis of precursors to non-viscous dissipation in an experimental turbulent flow, P. Debue, V. Valori, C. Cuvier, F. Daviaud, J.-M. Foucaut, J.-P. Laval, C. Wiertel, V. Padilla and B. Dubrulle, Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol 914, A9, (2021)

Characterization of near-wall structures in the log-region of a turbulent boundary layer by means of conditional statistics of tomographic PIV data, Martins FJWA, Foucaut JM, Stanislas M, Azevedo LFA, Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. vol. 105, pp. 191-205, (2019)

Attached flow structure and streamwise energy spectra in a turbulent boundary layer, Srinath S , Vassilicos JC , Cuvier C , Laval JP , Stanislas M , Foucaut JM, Phys. Rev. E vol. 97, (2018)

Experimental evidence of near-wall reverse flow events in a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer, Willert CE , Cuvier C , Foucaut JM , Klinner J , Stanislas M , Laval JP , Srinath S , Soria J , Amili O , Atkinson C , Kahler CJ , Scharnowski S , Hain R , Schroder A , Geisler R , Agocs J , Rose A, Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. vol. 91 , pp. 320-328, (2018)


Optimization of a 4D-PTV metrology for the characterization of a turbulent flow at very small scales, Tarek Chaabo, Centrale Lille, (2022)

Analysis of energy cascade in wall-bounded turbulent flows, Rakesh Yuvaraj, Centrale Lille, (2021)

Modeling and prediction of near wall turbulent flows, Sricharan Srinath, Centrale Lille, (2017)