
The main training activity of the PLEX platform is to support the students of the International Master of Turbulence, the engineering curriculum of the Ecole Centrale de Lille, and the University of Lille Master SMI for training in fluid mechanics, turbulence and training associated to experimental methods. The platform does not offer an external training catalog, but remains open to all requests. LaVision company is a sponsor of the Master turbulence, mainly for optical metrology tools.
PIV practice bench
In-house made hydrodynamic bench. It consists in performing PIV measurements in the test section of a hydrodynamic closed channel. To avoid laser safety conditions, a pulsed led acts as a light source and the particles are shiny flakes deposited on the surface of the water channel, the surface tension and the weakly turbulent flow making them not sink. This allows students to study the different phases of a PIV experiment in complete safety.
Optics practice bench
Hot wire anemometry practice bench
This bench consists of a blower generating a round jet and a hot wire system. The students' objectives are to calibrate the hot wire by following the different steps specific to this measurement method. Then, they will have to make the measurements and show jet similarity and some turbulence proprierties of this kind of flow.